Integration of art and technology on the example of the evangelical-augsburg church in Izbica Kujawska
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Politechnika Bydgoska im. Jana i Jędrzeja Śniadeckich w Bydgoszczy, Wydział Budownictwa, Architektury i Inżynierii Środowiska, Katedra Architektury i Urbanistyki.
Publication date: 2024-03-14
Architektura, Urbanistyka, Architektura Wnętrz 2023;12
In this article, the author will attempt to present the synergistic combination of art and technology that the designer included in the architectural values of the presented sacred building. For this purpose, an example of an over one hundred-year-old neo-Gothic mon-ument will be used – the Evangelical-Augsburg church in Izbica Kujawska. It was created as a Protestant complex, consisting of a church building and a cemetery located in a fenced area adjacent to the church. The designed sacred space was to meet the spiritual needs of a part of the culturally and ethnically diverse community of Izbica Kujawska, and the church itself was to be an important point in terms of meaning in the city's urban structure. Over the years, as a result of various historical and demographic changes, the building gradually fell into oblivion and fell into ruin. Currently, it is a forgotten, degraded structure in the urban tissue of Izbica Kujawska.
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