Documentation of the work of the architects of the Poznan environment in the works of the student science circle.
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Politechnika Poznańska, Wydział Architektury, Instytut Architektury, Urbanistyki i Ochrony Dziedzictwa.
Publication date: 2024-03-14
Architektura, Urbanistyka, Architektura Wnętrz 2022;10
The article is devoted to a fragment of the work of the student Scientific Society for the History of Architecture and Town Planning, operating since 2004 at the Institute of Architecture, Town Planning and Protection of Heritage at the Faculty of Architecture of the Poznań University of Technology. It deals with the documentation of the work of architects and urban planners operating in the 20th century in Poznań. A significant part of the activity of the club is related to the organization of the cyclical vernissage of the Honorary Award of the Poznań Branch of the Association of Polish Architects, as part of which a catalog is published and an exhibition is prepared and / or a film about the work of the Laureate or the awarded creative team is produced. The work of the club is descriptive research carried out using the historical method and applied in social sciences, mainly in sociology, the method of personal (biographical) documents. They rely on searches in the archives of OP SARP and private collections. They are supplemented with site visits, photographic and film documentation, a literature search, in professional journals, and an internet query. Their most important element, however, is personal contact with the creator or creative team. Relationships with architects are of the so-called action research, which uses the professional knowledge of the Laureates. The collected materials and publications (catalog, exhibition, film) are of a contribution nature and become the subject of further studies by members of the Society and scientists. The applied techniques of biographical research make it possible to illustrate and justify the adopted hypotheses with examples from the obtained documents, to compile many personal documents to illustrate and explain specific problems, and to create a typology. This stream of humanities research is particularly effective and methodologically operative in the field of the history of architecture. Based on the increasing number of personal documents and narratives after subsequent editions of the Award, the socalled triangulation of perspectives, i.e. subjecting individual biographies and the phenomena and processes shown in them. An important element of the KNHAiU research work carried out as part of the opening of the OP SARP Honorary Award is the combination of the cognitive perspective of the researcher and the practitioner, also very productive in developing the project competences of the participants.
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