The place of Grażyna Strykowska’s stained glass windows in the architectural structure of the church of the Most Holy Mother of God in Poznań.
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Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, Instytut Historii Sztuki, Zakład Historii i Teorii Badań nad Sztuką.
Publication date: 2024-03-14
Architektura, Urbanistyka, Architektura Wnętrz 2022;8
The way in which the stained glass windows, designed by Grażyna Strykowska for the Church of the Most Holy Mother of God in Poznań, co-shape the space of this building, is the subject of the paper. The central building represents the so-called tent-type churches. The construction of vault and its supports create the optical illusion, that the church interior is covered with the large dome. The stained glass windows were precisely inscribed into this architectural structure. The text presents the detailed analysis of these structure, which contains the relations between: the main wall and the windows, the windows shape and the composition of the stained glass windows, the final composition of the stained glass windows and its initial sketches, the architectural structure of the church and the iconography of the stained glass windows. The terms proposed by Norman Bryson in his theory of the picture and the history of European painting were used in this analysis (terms: discursive and figurative). The analysis ultimately leads to a polemical conclusion against Bryson’s depreciation of Christian sacred art.
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