The economics of the spatial development including energy savings on the example of the Poznań metropolitan area
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Politechnika Poznańska, Wydział Architektury, Instytut Architektury i Planowania Przestrzennego
Architektura, Urbanistyka, Architektura Wnętrz 2021;5:17-27
The report presents the results of the research work carried out within the framework of the discussed energy-efficient urban planning project. The aim of the project was to explore the possibilities of saving energy consumed by buildings at the urban design and development stage. The research has been focused on: ― recognition of possibilities and limitations of energy-efficient urban planning development in Polish legal and climatic conditions, ― the impact of the spatial layout of buildings on energy savings, including the potential size of passive solar heat gains, ― the impact of greenery on the amount of passive solar heat gains and the energy balance of buildings. The research was conducted on the example of selected locations in Poznań and simplified theoretical models.
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