Rodzinne ogrody działkowe w strukturze miasta Poznania i ich rola w adaptacji do zmian klimatycznych.
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Publication date: 2024-03-14
Architektura, Urbanistyka, Architektura Wnętrz 2023;13
The aim of this study was to analyse the location and current condition of the Family Allotment Gardens (FAGs) in Poznań city (Poland) and the changes that occurred between 2011 and 2021. The authors verified 98 gardens, of which only 85 still exists. The subject of the analysis were: the context and location of FAGs in the city structure, including the connection with Poznań’s green wedges, and the hydrographic structure. As the result, the conditions and problems of FAGs in Poznan were identified, furthermore the possibili-ties of better use of their potential were indicated. The results of the research confirm that FAGs are integral part of the structure of Poz-nan green wedges and are of great social, natural and climatic importance, but due to the modus of arrangement (parcelling of plots, fences) they disturb the continuity and accessi-bility of urban green areas and are poorly integrated with the city’s surface waters. The proposed changes in spatial arrangement and organization of FAGs (increasing the public accessibility) would enable the inclusion of some gardens into the structures of green wedges or the creation of new connectors between the wedges. In addition, the improve-ment of connections with waterbodies (daylighting of canalized sections of streams, im-proving accessibility of banks) would increase their ecosystem value and the retention capacity of urban catchments.
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