Contemporary Architecture Design in Mountain City Walkways-a case study from Chong Qing city in China
Quan Wen 1,2
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Instytut Architektury i Planowania Przestrzennego, Poznan Universitry of Technology, Polska
School of architecture, Chongqing Jiaotong University, China
Submission date: 2023-09-05
Final revision date: 2023-11-19
Acceptance date: 2023-11-23
Publication date: 2024-05-12
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Mo Zhou   

Instytut Architektury i Planowania Przestrzennego, Poznan Universitry of Technology, Polska
Architektura, Urbanistyka, Architektura Wnętrz 2023;16
As the largest mountainous city in the world, Chong Qing boasts of amounts of mountain city walkways in historical areas. Rendered by Ba-Yu culture, immigrant culture, origin of revolution, the mountain city walkway not only becomes the non-motorized system with the most distinctive characteristics of Chongqing, but also a demonstration of urban growth rings, and inheritance of urban culture. It is an important carrier for citizen's travel, enriching citizens' lives, and showcasing the characteristics of mountains and rivers, recording nostalgia and city culture, etc. It is now become Chongqing’s name card and attracts architects to attempt to create contemporary architecture in a historic context. Based on the three projects of Chongqing's mountain city walkways conservation and development, this paper sorts out characteristic and elements of mountain city walkways , and analyzes the spatial paths of historical heritages and traditional streets under the natural conditions of mountains and two rivers, to clarify the threads and clues in contemporary architectures construction in a historical context. Plug-in is an innovative form in old context to stimulate the vitality of old communities. Space- darning refers to using a pointwise micro technique to complete the historical fabrics, advocating for "preservation, repair, and continuation"; emphasize starting from its own system and conducting functional repair and weaving from bottom to top. Landscape simulation means taking full use of the original courtyard, flat roof, caves and terrace, connecting and organizing the circulation and function to fit the original topography in a modest attitude.
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