Architecture of health current tendencies in healthcare design
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Politechnika Poznańska, Wydział Architektury, Instytut Architektury, Urbanistyki i Ochrony Dziedzictwa
Architektura, Urbanistyka, Architektura Wnętrz 2021;6:5-19
The aim to achieve state of the art technological solutions in architectural design should be accompanied by a care for the well-being of the patient, as the object of the architect’s creative endeavors. Long-term scientific studies confirm the unequivocal impact of the adopted architectural solutions, including functional and spatial solutions, on patients’ healing process, their comfort [Urlich et al. 2008: 53], and the well-being and efficiency of the staff [Urlich et al. 2008: 45]. Conscious implementation of such scientific achievements by healthcare administra-tive personnel and favorable legislative planning may become a contribution to a better use of the potential of the building and its surrounding premises. It has become especially important nowadays, as the awareness and the expectations of patients and staff with regard to healthcare are growing, including their expectations with regard to the comfort of their stay at the hospital.
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