Cooperative work.The importance of workshopes in shaping alternative design methods.
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Politechnika Poznańska, Wydział Architektury, Instytut Architektury, Urbanistyki i Ochrony Dziedzictwa.
Publication date: 2024-03-14
Architektura, Urbanistyka, Architektura Wnętrz 2022;10
In the face of the growing problems of civilization resulting, among others, from spon-taneous urbanization with the participation of cost-intensive and energy-consuming archi-tecture (fast-form architecture), there is a need to introduce alternative methods of design-ing the environment of human habitation. The first step is to introduce a new architecture teaching model. The current model prefers to develop only the formal imagination and the graphic and technical skills subordinated to it, with the simultaneous omission of soft skills. It results in introducing architects to the market, designing buildings whose relations with the user and the place can be described as single-valued. Assigning the dominant meaning to an architectural form that is not related to the place means to replace the authentic experience of it with all the senses with a momentary excitement. The alternative model of education should focus on three aspects: designing haptic architecture, developing situational imagination and contextual problem solving (designing places, not buildings). In this model, an important function is played by workshops, the program and course of which allow the participants to come into contact with the matter of architecture: the place, the needs of the people who use / live in them, as well as the material and technique.
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