Whiteness – an addition to the experience of the space.
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Politechnika Bydgoska im. Jana i Jędrzeja Śniadeckich w Bydgoszczy, Wydział Budow-nictwa, Architektury i Inżynierii Środowiska, Katedra Architektury i Urbanistyki.
Publication date: 2024-03-14
Architektura, Urbanistyka, Architektura Wnętrz 2023;12
The aim of the following article is to draw attention to the element in architectural design, which might be considered to be of least importance – colour. Furthermore, the scope is placed on possibly the most outstanding of the achromatic colours – white colour. Being asociated with purity, it is considered by some to be the absence of colour. Among of all the other colours, it has the most features. Not only of these features that place it highest in the colour hierarchy - such as purity and elegance, but also of these thanks to which it takes the rightful highest place. It emphasizes in the combination with colour, it allows it to become more noticable. It is against the background of whiteness that any colour becomes clearer. It is only with black that it forms a colourful pair and it is only in relation to black that it becomes dynamic; in other colour relationships it remains neutral. It harmonises very well with other materials and has space-opening qualities, which is why it is the best addition for experiencing space.
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