The relationality of art and space on the example of sculptural objects located on Aleje Marcinkowskiego in Poznań
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Architektura/ Architektura Wnętrz i Wzornictwo Przemysłowe, Politechnika Poznańska, Polska
Wydział Architektury/ Instytut Architektury Wnętrz i Wzornictwa Przemysłowego, Politechnika Poznańska, Polska
Wydział Edukacji Artystycznej i Kuratorstwa, Uniwersytet Artystyczny im. Magdaleny Abakanowicz w Poznaniu, Polska
Submission date: 2024-10-17
Acceptance date: 2025-01-16
Publication date: 2025-02-14
Corresponding author
Paulina Kowalczyk   

Architektura/ Architektura Wnętrz i Wzornictwo Przemysłowe, Politechnika Poznańska, ul. Jacka Rychlewskiego 2, 61-131, Poznań, Polska
Architektura, Urbanistyka, Architektura Wnętrz 2024;(20)
The purpose of the article is to analyze the relationship between art and space in the context of sculptural objects located on Aleje Marcinkowskiego in Poznań. Art in urban space implies many problems. The context of the place, as well as the needs of the recipients - users of the space are associated with the necessity to take into account many factors, such as the history of the place, its specificity, land development, or trans-subjectivity of perception. Aleje Marcinkowskiego is located in the area of the Old Town - in close proximity to the Old Market Square and constitutes an axis connecting such streets as: Plac Wolności, 23. Lutego and Paderewskiego. Among the sculptures placed there are both objects of historic character and works by contemporary artists. The dialogue between history and the present is an interesting field of research, as are the interactions between the sculptures and architectural components located in their surroundings.
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