From realism to abstraction. Analysis of spatial relations and transformations of form in drawing
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Politechnika Poznańska, Wydział Architektury, Instytut Architektury, Urbanistyki i Ochrony Dziedzictwa
Architektura, Urbanistyka, Architektura Wnętrz 2021;4:95-111
Within the fields of drawing and painting, both realistic and abstract activities are associated with similar research problems. A successful composition is a harmoniously synchronized arrangement of components, subject to interactions between them. The dynamic tensions between the forms serves to influence the perception of the art work. The transition from a realistic to an abstract approach for a given topic requires an analysis of consonance between individual elements of the composition and deviation from the illustrative narration. The rhythms and directions created by the forms determine the nature of the composition. A static layout influences the reception in a different way than a dynamic one. Drawing is a process. Abstract actions are a consequence of a careful analysis of reality. The objective world should always be the starting point for a purely conceptual search. The exploration of matter leads to transformations, through which it is possible to perceive reality in an individualized, unique way; this enables the recipient to have a unique, visual experiences, regardless of the drawing’s topic. The most inconspicuous, banal object can be an inspiration for drawing and painting activities. The manner in which the artist transforms the form determines the perception of the recipient. Advanced transformation of the model moves away from obvious associations; the intellectual and emotional involvement of both the artist and the recipient is intensified. Art, as an excellent communication tool, enables one to convey important information regarding something, beyond which can be named
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