Remote learning architecture – diseases treatment - physiotherapy
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Wydział Architektury, Instytut Architektury, Urbanistyki i Ochrony Dziedzictwa, Politechnika Poznańska,, Polska
Badacz niezależny, Polska
These authors had equal contribution to this work
Submission date: 2024-01-09
Acceptance date: 2024-04-18
Publication date: 2024-08-12
Corresponding author
Radosław Barek   

Wydział Architektury, Instytut Architektury, Urbanistyki i Ochrony Dziedzictwa, Politechnika Poznańska,, Polska
Architektura, Urbanistyka, Architektura Wnętrz 2023;17 Wydanie Specjalne
Teaching architecture is a process in which an important element is experiencing three dimensions of space. Existing objects, landscapes, greenery complexes and buildings learned in situ provide developmental basis for shaping spatial imagination. Studying space by using drawings and hand-drawn sketches, we examine the relationships in space, distribution of compositional accents and depth of perspective. Modern tools for architectural computer design perfectly limit the study of space in situ. Period of distance learning during the pandemic changed that three-dimensional (3D) experience being replaced by a flat (2D) one. Both groups: teachers and students, transmitting 3D information using 2D tools (computer screen), quickly observed unfavorable changes in the functioning of their bodies. Growing pain in spine, tingling in hands, and weakening of eyesight were noted. In such a case, supporting exercises to improve selected muscle groups become necessary. Undertaken rehabilitation activities concerned the improvement of functioning of body, areas of body work were selected on basis of a survey questionnaire, both groups lecturers (50) and students (50), and pilot physiotherapy activities on selected units that expressed voluntary participation in the project were implemented after prior carrying out the diagnostic process.
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